HydroGel® FAQ

What are the main applications for HydroGel®?
HydroGel® is a non-wetting hydration supplement that is particularly useful for transporting animals. It is also a great choice for recovering animals and special needs animals who require consistent, easy-to-consume hydration support.

How much HydroGel® do I need to supply for an animal during shipment?
The amount of HydroGel® required is dependent on the species of animal, the number of days in transit, and the number of animals. Daily water consumption differs by animal. Many factors such as ambient temperature, animal weight and environmental conditions impact daily water consumption. The suggested values listed below are average daily water consumption guidelines for frequently shipped animals. HydroGel® is 98% pure water; therefore, the gel consumption is equivalent to water consumption.

  • Mouse: 4-7g
  • Rat: 24-60g
  • Guinea Pig: 50-80g
  • Rabbit: 100-600g

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